Who we love to support

Glitterazzi is a proud supporter of charities and organisations that we believe really make a difference. If you have an event or organisation where you think we could help, please reach out. 


Community First Development

Community First Development

“Working with our people, for our people.”

Community First Development is a First Nations Community Development and Research Organisation. They promote the skills, talents and cultural strength of our nation's first people, and facilitate activities where they lead positive changes for their communities. They acknowledge a responsibility to contribute to a more just and equitable world for our First Nations people.

The organisation supports community development activities that are important to First Nations people and their communities. They work with them to explore and design ways to achieve their community’s goals.

Glitterazzi is especially in support for the AMHC project:

The Aboriginal Male’s Healing Centre
Strong Spirit | Strong Families | Strong Culture 

It is the vision that all Aboriginal women and children live safe and healthy lives free from family violence. The Aboriginal Male’s Healing Centre Strong Spirit Strong Families Strong Culture Inc (AMHC) is a not for profit based in Newman in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. AMHC will offer an alternative to incarceration for men that use violence against women and children. 

The centre aims to heal these men and break the cycle of violence; and provide a safe and secure place for women and children. The safety of women and children is our paramount concern.

Find out more: communityfirstdevelopment.org.au

Wear It Purple

Wear It Purple strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people.

Wear it Purple Day is an annual LGBTIQA+ awareness day especially for young people, based in Australia. Supporters wear purple to celebrate diversity and young people from the LGBTIQA+ community. The Day is organised by Wear it Purple, a student run, not-for-profit organisation, providing presentations and workshops. Save the date 27.08.2021 to help celebrate 10 yrs!

Wear It Purple and Glitterazzi at Mardi Gras

Founded in response to global stories of real teenagers, real heartache and their very real responses. “WE ARE THE CHANGE” represents the vision of a generation, implementing productive and inclusive changes in society. Now, more than ever, is a time to incorporate safety, inclusion and empowerment in schools and workplaces to fight adversity and marginalisation for rainbow youths. 

Find out more wearitpurple.org | instagram.com/wear_it_purple


Onshore Volunteer | Sea shepherd, Sea shepard, Shepherd


Sea Shepherd Australia

The reality is if the oceans die, we die. Yet our government allows overfishing, poaching and environmental waste to destroy marine populations and pollute our seas. There are international laws and agreements exist to protect our fragile marine ecosystems, but enforcement is lacking.

Sea Shepherd fights to defend, conserve and protect our oceans. They use direct action to defend marine wildlife and protect their habitat in the world’s oceans. Sea Shepherd’s conservation actions aim to safeguard the biodiversity of our delicately-balanced marine ecosystems.

Glitterazzi choose to support Sea Shepherd because they do what international authorities can’t … or won’t. When existing laws to protect the world’s oceans and marine wildlife are not enforced, Sea Shepherd engages in direct action campaigns, patrolling the high seas and working with national authorities to tackle illegal fishing in sovereign waters.

Find out more: seashepherd.org.au



Greenpeace - International Oceans Project

The seas provide half of our oxygen, food for a billion people, and a home for some of the most spectacular wildlife on Earth. But the impacts of climate change, pollution and destructive industries mean they’re in more danger than ever. We urgently need to turn things around.

Scientists have a new rescue plan for our oceans: create a global network of ocean sanctuaries that’d put millions of square kilometres off limits to destructive industries. But to make that happen, governments must agree a strong Global Ocean Treaty at the UN. To do that, we need as many people as possible to show these decision-makers why ocean protection matters

Glitterazzi are contributing to Greenpeace's action to help cover our planet in ocean sanctuaries, and call on governments to agree a strong Global Ocean Treaty at the UN. Add your name to join the campaign: