It’s natural to want to put your favourite Glitterazzi Biodegradable Glitter mix all over your face and body. We would never want to put restrictions on or limit your imagination, but we do get asked all the time, "Where should I apply glitter to my face?" To help, we’ve pulled together 7 beautiful places to apply glitter to your face.
Before we start, we only ever suggest using cosmetic biodegradable glitter for face and body glitter applications. You’re putting glitter on your skin, often near your eyes or on your lips which means you want to invest in cosmetic grade glitter that has been tested for use with skin. You’ll also be washing this glitter off and thus washing it down the drain into our waterways so please don’t use plastic glitter. Cosmetic Bioglitter® is the only proven environmentally and skin friendly options available and it’s the only glitter we use in our mixes. There is an environmentally friendly alternative, thus there is no need to ever use plastic glitter, cosmetic or craft for your face or body applications again.
- Glitter Eyelids - The most common and easiest way to wear face glitter is to sweep some fine glitter over your eyelids. Use our fine Casual Glitter mixes over your eyelids. If you’re using chunky glitter or festival glitter we suggest sticking to the middle and outer eyelid for comfort, especially when wearing the glitter for long periods.
- Glitter Highlighter - Consider replacing your favourite highlighter with cosmetic biodegradable glitter. For a casual glitter look, simply highlight your cheekbone with fine glitter or highlight just under your brow. Pull this fine glitter into the corner of your eyelids and up to your brow and down your cheekbones for a more dramatic or weekend party look. Add a Glitterazzi glitter mix to dramatize or glamify the look.
- The Glitter Half Moon - Also known as the Glitter C, is your typical festival glitter look. Create a C shape starting above your browbone (middle to end of your eyebrow) covering your temple, and bushing down on to the top of your cheekbone. We suggest using a chunky loose glitter mix for this or brushing a complementary coloured casual glitter mix under a chunky loose glitter mix for additional dept to the design.
- Glitterazzi Temple - This is our signature and favorite look. You can create it with a single glitter mix but most of the time we use two complementary mixes. We prefer to use two loose glitters, but you could most certainly use our Glitter Balm as a base applying a loose glitter over the top. Start applying the first mix from the edge of the eye and brush this glitter back in the shape-ish of a triangle towards and past your temple. You can even go as far as sweeping this glitter into the hair. Blend it out with our fine casual glitter mixes or leave it chunky. This is a heavy but beautiful glitter look.
- Glitter Mask - This look can be tricky, but when nailing it, it’s well worth it. We suggest using lighter coloured glitter mixes for mask looks and remembering to use different colours of glitter to create depth and detail.
- Under Eye Glitter - This is an easy and fast way to get sparkly but also cover up the error in your ways the night before. We suggest starting with applying the glitter in a loose triangle shape under the eyes but don’t be afraid to get a bit creative or abstract. We suggest using a combination of our casual glitter and loose glitter mixes for beautiful results.

- Glitter Lips - Glitter on the lips is not as delicious as it looks. They are great for photo shoots but are most certainly not our favorite for everyday or festival wear. Like lipstick, you eat the glitter off unless you’re using a hardcore glue to make it stick and if you are using a chemical based glue, you’re then eating glitter and chemicals. Consider tapping your finger into a casual glitter mix and touching it onto the middle of your lips to highlight, but just know it’s not going to be there all day. Glitterazzi Biodegradable Glitter is non-toxic but it is not recommended that you eat it.
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